Relay do girino
Um relay para amfibios e paquidermes de todos os tipos
Preferência para instancias em pt-br, mas não temos preconceito.
on relay-br.girino.org
Preferência para instancias em pt-br, mas não temos preconceito.
If you are the admin of a server that supports activitypub relays, you can add this relay to your server.
Mastodon admins can add this relay by adding
https://relay-br.girino.org/inboxin their relay settings.
Pleroma admins can add this relay by adding
https://relay-br.girino.org/actorto their relay settings.
Consult the documentation for your server. It's likely that it follows either Mastodon or Pleroma's relay formatting.
Running pleroma, version 2.7.2 (compatible; Pleroma 2.9.1-1-gf25ef1aa-develop).
Registration is open.
Running friendica, version 2.8.0 (compatible; Friendica 2024.12).
Registration is open. Accounts must be approved by an admin.
Running mastodon, version 4.3.4.
Registration is open. Accounts must be approved by an admin.